Home » Special Events » Nicholas Pardue’s Eagle Scout Project

This Saturday, September 7, most of Troop 8 showed up at the T.R.E.E House Children’s Museum at 7:30am for Nicholas Pardue’s Eagle Scout Project. Garden Path Stone Center in Alexandria supplied materials and T&D PowerSkills contributed funds.

Photo of the site before the path was constructed.

Previously, there was no pathway to connect the main building of the T.R.E.E House with the benches and concrete pad on the opposite side of the playground. This corridor would become muddy and slick in the rain and created a hazard and eyesore. This project replaced that with a 70-foot long gravel and flagstone path.


Construction started with digging, which took a large amount of time.

Once the bed for the pathway was complete, scouts set about laying down and securing the weed barrier.

After the weed barrier and border have been positioned, flagstones are set alongside the path.

Once the stones have been staged, they can be moved into place. One group of scouts worked ahead leveling the stones, while another followed behind and filled the gravel.


After 4 hours of digging, leveling, and placing, work wrapped up around 11:30am. A total of 18 volunteers worked a combined 72 man-hours to finish the job. The new path compliments an Eagle Project completed by another Troop 8 member, Nathan Capezza, earlier this year. The flagpole constructed for his project can be seen on the side of the pathway.

The new pathway will make the outdoor areas of the T.R.E.E. House more accessible for people of all ages. Scouts walked away from the project feeling accomplished, having put in four hours of hard work to accomplish this.

For more information about the Eagle Scout rank, see our page on Leadership and Advancement.